After three days of picketing at the Hoss Farm, farmworkers set up a secondary picket at the Fraser Valley Mushroom Growers' Co-op (Money's). The plant shut down, but the secondary picket was ruled illegal two days later.

"I see a lot of potential in the union - fighting for our rights, for what we're entitled to. I feel good about the picket line because we are fighting. If we stand up for our rights, something better will happen in the future - we have to take a stand. If there's a union there's good wages, good working conditions, safety on the job. Women should take a stand. We have rights too, and it's harder for us, being women, then immigrants, then farmworkers. We are equal to men. We are working our way up, and after we join the union, we're even stronger." - Striker Jasweer Kaur Brar, 1984